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Here is the report of the Instagram profile of @kyliejenner ( full name: Kylie ).
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@kyliecosmetics @khy @drinksprinter
Followers -34,198




Engagement +0.02%


Tracked since 15 Jan, 2019. Updated on 06 Feb, 2025, at 05:02 (UTC+1)
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Overview Analysis of this Instagram Profile

Engagement Rate
Followers Growth Rate
Following Growth Rate
Likes Rate
Comments Rate
Average Likes
Average Comments
$789,203 - $1,973,006
Average Cost per post

Follower / Following Statistics Analysis

Select Range

Account Stats Summary

Statistics detail per day.

Download in CSV format
Date  Followers Following Uploads
2025-01-06 Mon 395,171,169 113 7,145
2025-01-07 Tue 395,177,762 +6,593 113 7,146 +1
2025-01-08 Wed 395,163,916 -13,846 113 7,146
2025-01-09 Thu 395,145,826 -18,090 113 7,146
2025-01-10 Fri 395,147,321 +1,495 113 7,146
2025-01-11 Sat 395,156,455 +9,134 113 7,146
2025-01-12 Sun 395,119,539 -36,916 113 7,146
2025-01-13 Mon 395,132,870 +13,331 113 7,146
2025-01-14 Tue 395,091,245 -41,625 112 -1 7,146
2025-01-15 Wed 395,069,205 -22,040 112 7,146
2025-01-16 Thu 395,059,576 -9,629 112 7,146
2025-01-17 Fri 395,056,834 -2,742 110 -2 7,146
2025-01-18 Sat 395,028,838 -27,996 114 +4 7,146
2025-01-19 Sun 395,041,504 +12,666 111 -3 7,146
2025-01-20 Mon 395,059,157 +17,653 111 7,146
2025-01-21 Tue 395,049,829 -9,328 111 7,146
2025-01-22 Wed 395,013,550 -36,279 111 7,146
2025-01-23 Thu 394,984,830 -28,720 111 7,147 +1
2025-01-24 Fri 394,976,280 -8,550 111 7,148 +1
2025-01-25 Sat 394,968,185 -8,095 111 7,149 +1
2025-01-27 Mon 394,893,974 -74,211 112 +1 7,149
2025-01-28 Tue 394,861,970 -32,004 112 7,150 +1
2025-01-29 Wed 394,820,596 -41,374 112 7,153 +3
2025-01-30 Thu 394,774,932 -45,664 112 7,154 +1
2025-01-31 Fri 394,737,788 -37,144 111 -1 7,155 +1
2025-02-01 Sat 394,711,493 -26,295 111 7,155
2025-02-02 Sun 394,679,141 -32,352 111 7,157 +2
2025-02-03 Mon 394,691,081 +11,940 112 +1 7,157
2025-02-04 Tue 394,672,798 -18,283 111 -1 7,157
2025-02-05 Wed 394,635,456 -37,342 111 7,158 +1
2025-02-06 Thu 394,601,258 -34,198 111 7,158
Total Summary Followers: -569,911 Following: -2 Uploads: +13
Incomplete statistics? Register your account to update this account's statistics!

Average Engagement Rate Chart

Each value in this chart is equal to the Average Engagement Rate of the account in that specific day.
Engagement is the numerical value determined by the relationship between the number of followers and the interactions on the photos.
(Note: the higher the number of followers, the lower the engagement. See table comparison at the bottom of the page)

Future Projections

Here you can see the approximated future projections based on your previous days averages

Stats of Date Followers Uploads
Today 2025-02-06 394,601,258 7,158
30 days 2025-03-08 394,011,698 7,188
60 days 2025-04-07 393,422,138 7,218
3 months 2025-05-07 392,832,578 7,248
6 months 2025-08-05 391,063,898 7,338
9 months 2025-11-03 389,295,218 7,428
1 year 2026-02-06 387,428,278 7,523
1 year and half 2026-08-07 383,851,614 7,705
2 years 2027-02-06 380,255,298 7,888
Based on an average of -19,652 followers/day +1 uploads/day

Top @Mentions

Top mentions from the last 10 posts

Average Engagement Rates on Instagram

These are overall / average engagement rates found on Instagram. Statistics based on analysis of more than 1 million influencer profiles.

Followers Average Values of Instagram Profiles Profile Engagement
< 1,000 8%
< 5,000 5.7%
< 10,000 4%
< 100,000 2.4%
100,000+ 1.7% Kylie 0.52%

Detail of the last published posts

Showing last 10 entries.

Preview Posted On Caption Likes Comments
2025-01-23 Introducing the latest from KHY: wardrobe essentia.. 1,241,302 -39% 3,335 -24%
2025-01-25 The new KHY Faux Leather Trench Coat has arrived, .. 1,259,845 -38% 3,944 -10%
2025-01-27 cozy in new @khy faux fur dropping tomorrow 9am PT.. 2,205,961 +9% 2,879 -34%
2025-01-28 you gotta be snatched when you see the other dog w.. 1,508,887 -26% 1,906 -56%
2025-01-28 dream morning with @chanelofficial 🥰🥰 3,186,031 +57% 5,760 +32%
2025-01-29 meow 1,529,811 -25% 4,949 +13%
2025-01-29 @ludovicdesaintsernin @jeanpaulgaultier !!!!! 🥰.. 4,580,891 +126% 9,204 +111%
2025-01-30 🤫 2/27 @kyliecosmetics 254,159 -87% 1,500 -66%
2025-02-01 my world. happy birthday to my babies. 🥹 3,336,100 +64% 8,001 +83%
2025-02-04 my best-selling award-winning lip butter has a new.. 1,179,439 -42% 2,202 -50%

Media Stats Chart

FAQ - Kylie Instagram Account

Some of the most frequently asked questions users ask about Instagram's profile Kylie.

What is the Instagram Biography of Kylie?

The current biography of this account is "@kyliecosmetics @khy @drinksprinter"

How many followers does Kylie have on Instagram?

At the last check, this Instagram profile turns out to have 394,601,258 followers.

What is the engagement rate of the Instagram account of Kylie?

The engagement rate of this Instagram profile is 0.52% (lower than the average of 1.7%) , calculated on the average of the last 10 posts.

What is the average of the likes received from the posts published by Kylie on his Instagram profile?

The average of the likes received is approx 2,028,243 for every post published on Instagram.

How many comments does each post on average receive Kylie on Instagram?

The average of the comments received for each post published by this profile is approx 4,368.

How active is the Kylie account on Instagram?

Kylie account looks very active, but hasn't posted any updates in the last 24 hours.

How active are Kylie's followers?

On average, about 0,51% of the followers of this profile likes the contents, and about 0,001% write a comment.

How much could a sponsored post on Kylie's Instagram profile cost?

Based on the CPM Rate formula, buying a post on this profile could cost up to $1,973,006.

What are the most mentioned Instagram profiles from Kylie?

The most mentioned profiles are @khy, @kyliecosmetics, @ludovicdesaintsernin, @jeanpaulgaultier, @chanelofficial, .

When was Kylie's Instagram profile last analyzed?

The last check we carried out took place on 2025-02-06 05:02:01 (UTC+1).

When will the next statistics update for this account be available?

The next statistics update will be available starting from 2025-02-07 05:02:01 (UTC+1).

Note: Only registered users can update report statistics. Register your account to update this profile statistics!

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