Statistics detail per day.
Download in CSV formatDate | Followers | Following | Uploads | ||||
2024-09-27 | Fri | 360,440,046 | 332 | 6,271 | |||
2024-09-28 | Sat | 360,545,630 +105,584 | 332 | 6,272 +1 | |||
2024-09-29 | Sun | 360,493,386 -52,244 | 331 -1 | 6,272 | |||
2024-09-30 | Mon | 360,438,730 -54,656 | 331 | 6,272 | |||
2024-10-01 | Tue | 360,502,706 +63,976 | 331 | 6,273 +1 | |||
2024-10-02 | Wed | 360,467,677 -35,029 | 331 | 6,273 | |||
2024-10-03 | Thu | 360,313,303 -154,374 | 331 | 6,273 | |||
2024-10-04 | Fri | 360,369,435 +56,132 | 331 | 6,273 | |||
2024-10-05 | Sat | 360,274,642 -94,793 | 330 -1 | 6,274 +1 | |||
2024-10-06 | Sun | 360,385,976 +111,334 | 331 +1 | 6,275 +1 | |||
2024-10-07 | Mon | 360,164,879 -221,097 | 331 | 6,275 | |||
2024-10-08 | Tue | 360,273,845 +108,966 | 331 | 6,275 | |||
2024-10-09 | Wed | 360,332,656 +58,811 | 333 +2 | 6,275 | |||
2024-10-10 | Thu | 360,320,274 -12,382 | 333 | 6,275 | |||
2024-10-11 | Fri | 360,269,410 -50,864 | 333 | 6,275 | |||
2024-10-12 | Sat | 360,275,761 +6,351 | 333 | 6,276 +1 | |||
2024-10-13 | Sun | 360,298,618 +22,857 | 333 | 6,276 | |||
2024-10-14 | Mon | 360,303,998 +5,380 | 333 | 6,276 | |||
2024-10-15 | Tue | 360,258,809 -45,189 | 333 | 6,276 | |||
2024-10-16 | Wed | 360,102,846 -155,963 | 333 | 6,277 +1 | |||
2024-10-17 | Thu | 360,050,531 -52,315 | 333 | 6,277 | |||
2024-10-18 | Fri | 360,176,805 +126,274 | 332 -1 | 6,278 +1 | |||
2024-10-19 | Sat | 360,170,764 -6,041 | 332 | 6,280 +2 | |||
2024-10-20 | Sun | 360,133,189 -37,575 | 332 | 6,280 | |||
2024-10-21 | Mon | 360,109,891 -23,298 | 332 | 6,282 +2 | |||
2024-10-22 | Tue | 360,128,772 +18,881 | 333 +1 | 6,282 | |||
2024-10-23 | Wed | 360,123,551 -5,221 | 332 -1 | 6,283 +1 | |||
2024-10-26 | Sat | 360,054,315 -69,236 | 333 +1 | 6,290 +7 | |||
2024-10-28 | Mon | 359,989,286 -65,029 | 333 | 6,290 | |||
2024-11-04 | Mon | 359,872,937 -116,349 | 334 +1 | 6,296 +6 | |||
2024-11-05 | Tue | 359,859,143 -13,794 | 334 | 6,296 | |||
Total Summary | Followers: -580,903 | Following: +2 | Uploads: +25 | ||||
Incomplete statistics? Register your account to update this account's statistics! |
Each value in this chart is equal to the Average Engagement Rate of the account in that specific day.
Engagement is the numerical value determined by the relationship between the number of followers and the interactions on the photos.
(Note: the higher the number of followers, the lower the engagement. See table comparison at the bottom of the page)
Here you can see the approximated future projections based on your previous days averages
Stats of | Date | Followers | Uploads |
Today | 2024-11-05 | 359,859,143 | 6,296 |
30 days | 2024-12-05 | 359,388,143 | 6,326 |
60 days | 2025-01-04 | 358,917,143 | 6,356 |
3 months | 2025-02-03 | 358,446,143 | 6,386 |
6 months | 2025-05-04 | 357,033,143 | 6,476 |
9 months | 2025-08-02 | 355,620,143 | 6,566 |
1 year | 2025-11-05 | 354,128,643 | 6,661 |
1 year and half | 2026-05-06 | 351,271,243 | 6,843 |
2 years | 2026-11-05 | 348,398,143 | 7,026 |
Based on an average of | -15,700 followers/day | +1 uploads/day |
These are overall / average engagement rates found on Instagram. Statistics based on analysis of more than 1 million influencer profiles.
Followers | Average Values of Instagram Profiles | Profile Engagement |
< 1,000 | 8% | |
< 5,000 | 5.7% | |
< 10,000 | 4% | |
< 100,000 | 2.4% | |
100,000+ | 1.7% | 0.30% |
Showing last 10 entries.
Some of the most frequently asked questions users ask about Instagram's profile Kim Kardashian.
The current biography of this account is "@SKIMS @SKKN @SKKYPARTNERS"
At the last check, this Instagram profile turns out to have 359,859,143 followers.
The engagement rate of this Instagram profile is 0.30% (lower than the average of 1.7%) , calculated on the average of the last 10 posts.
The average of the likes received is approx 1,089,401 for every post published on Instagram.
The average of the comments received for each post published by this profile is approx 6,208.
Kim Kardashian account doesn't seem to have posted any updates for at least 3 days.
On average, about 0,30% of the followers of this profile likes the contents, and about 0,002% write a comment.
Based on the CPM Rate formula, buying a post on this profile could cost up to $1,799,296.
The most mentioned profiles are @thealexisstone, @kaicenat, .
The last check we carried out took place on 2024-11-05 06:08:01 (UTC+1).
The next statistics update will be available starting from 2024-11-06 06:08:01 (UTC+1).
Note: Only registered users can update report statistics. Register your account to update this profile statistics!
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